Ranger Audio Video  and
Ranger AVi

"your guide to home entertainment"
Contractor's License #999202

Gaming and Networks

  Did you know that a game system can be the best investment 
                 you can make into your entertainment system?

  It's True!  Properly networked, a game system can offer a power feature set:

    1) High definition disc playback for DVD (upscaled) and Bluray
    2) Instant streaming of movies and TV's from services like Netflix
    3) Access of all your music stored on a network drive for high quality playback
    4) Viewing of all your digital photos stored on your home computer on your TV
    5) Streaming of all your personal and select videos
(digital copy) from your PC
    6) Sharing of your pictures with family and friends over the internet
    7) Video conferencing with friends and family anywhere in the world
    8) Oh--and you play games on it too!

  Ranger Audio Video stays on the cutting edge of today's technology and with our expertise, we can turn your high speed internet connection and router into a safe and efficient tool for gathering and sharing information and entertainment all around your home and around the world!!

  Give us call and let us offer you a free consultation so you can open your mind to the possibilities!
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